I have been living in Italy, Spain, France, UK and the US and I have to admit that the less fashionable place is of course the US. I have learnt that this is not for lack of resources or talents here, but just because of a complete different mentality. In just a few words, we can say that here in the US they care much more about being comfortable, than being elegant, without understanding that you can actually be and should be both!
One day during my Art class – I was 16 and was attending High School - my teacher asked everyone to define Art. He didn’t like any of the replies he heard, excluding mine. He loved mine! My answer was:- “Art is fantasy and it’s all that it’s beautiful to our eyes, it’s not something made to be functional or just made to express something. Art is something very very beautiful, so for example a bridge can be Art, but before being functional it has to be beautiful to us”. He said to the class that if I wasn’t God I was very close to be God.
Still today this is exactly what Art is for me and fashion is art when it makes you feel very very beautiful and elegant!
In my Blog “Eleganza per me” I will not be talking about big brands only as not all that is created by the big fashion designers is actually beautiful or wearable. If you want to be truly elegant, you need to pick something that looks good on you as we are all very different!
Don’t we all know how important it is to chose a frame for a painting or what a difference it makes a nice packaging for a present? Frames and packaging can make the painting or the present look better or worse if we don’t pick the right one.
You can have a nice body, nice hair and nice posture, but if you wear clothes that are not right for you, you won’t look and won’t feel good.
I’m writing this Blog not only for women but for men too.
Please remember that “l’abito fa il monaco” and don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise.
Please remember that “l’abito fa il monaco” and don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise.